I am a computer scientist and a technologist. I started hacking computers on an 8088 in 1985. I learned to program in BASIC and use MS-DOS on it. I started programming in C on a SparcStation (not mine) in 1993. I remember using Mosaic to read Yahoo!

I got my B.Sc. in Computer Science from Memorial University in 2001. I started The Migus Group in February 2014.

I have public profiles as “amigus” on LinkedIn and X where, by the way, you can check the fingerprint of my GPG key.

I write software and publish some of it in Gists and on my GitHub.


Byte Conversion with PowerShell

PowerShell Commands that convert and express byte values, i.e., powers of two, e.g., 1048576 = 1 Megabyte


My Email Server

About my containerized Cyrus IMAP + OpenLDAP + Postfix email server
